What We Do
The Stratford Volunteer Emergency Medical Service Association (SVEMSA) represents the interests of volunteer EMS members and promotes the further education and training of the EMS community.

EMT-B Initial Certification Course
Interested in entering the world of EMS? This is your first step!
Completion of this course enables you to sit for your National and State EMT exams.

SVEMSA welcoms all EMS providers that are looking to help the Stratford Community. Our volunteers work alongside the Stratford EMS employees to provide top notch patient care.
News and Updates
Stay up to date with the latest news and events from SVEMSA!
EMT-B Intial Certification Graduation
Our Winter EMT-B Class has successfully completed their course! Congratuations!
Watch the EMT-B Class GraduationSanta Clause is Coming to Town!
SVEMSA partnered with Sterling House to deliver gifts to children in the Stratford community with Santa!

SEMS Volunteer Receives Lifetime Achievement AwardSEMS Volunteer Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Stratford EMS Volunteer Helen “Bunnie” McQuilton receives Lifetime Achievement Award at the CT EMS Awards CeremonyStratford EMS Volunteer Helen “Bunnie” McQuilton receives Lifetime Achievement Award at the CT EMS Awards Ceremony